Thoughtfully constructed investment portfolios
As your dedicated financial guide, we carefully develop an investment strategy for you based on your unique goals and needs using institutional-quality portfolio options. Managed by a seasoned team of professional investment managers, Raymond James Freedom portfolios employ a disciplined, systematic process to manage risk and return – all backed by sophisticated research and due diligence. Working closely with us, an investment approach similar to that used by the most sophisticated institutions is now within your reach.
A simpler way to approach a complex universe of choices
The diversified portfolios available through Raymond James are suited to a wide range of objectives and offer the confidence of knowing your investments will be constantly monitored, with regular rebalancing.
A disciplined, knowledgeable team
The Raymond James Asset Management Services team offers you the advantage of dedicated, professional researchers to guide investment decision-making. Our 31 research associates have more than 400 combined years of industry experience – which we put to work for clients like you.
Your Investing Style
Income-seeking investors
- Choices that prioritize cash flow and investments designed to generate income
- Appropriate for investors who may not have the flexibility to tolerate elevated levels of market volatility

For growth-oriented investors
- Designed to maximize total return
- Appropriate for investors seeking greater growth potential over a longer time horizon

For socially conscious investors
- Align your investment choices with your values
- Transparency into what you own and the impact of your investment

For investors seeking a place to start
- Diversified portfolios
- Can be accessed with a lower minimum investment than other portfolio options

Related Resources
Further information on the funds selected for the Freedom Portfolios is available by prospectus, which can be obtained through my office. Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Freedom Portfolios before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information about the funds and should be read carefully before investing.
In a Freedom account, clients pay a quarterly fee, based on the level of assets in the account, for the services of a financial advisor as part of an advisory relationship. In deciding to pay a fee rather than commissions, clients should understand that the fee may be higher than a commission alternative during periods of lower trading. Advisory fees are in addition to the internal expenses charged by mutual funds and other investment company securities. To the extent that clients intend to hold these securities, the internal expenses should be included when evaluating the costs of a fee-based account. Clients should periodically re-evaluate whether the use of an asset-based fee continues to be appropriate in servicing their needs. A list of additional considerations, as well as the fee schedule, is available in the firm’s Form ADV Part 2A as well as the client agreement. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss. There is no assurance that any investment strategy will be successful. Asset allocation and diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss.
- Fort Collins Office 224 Canyon Ave., Suite 110 Fort Collins, CO 80521
- T 970.204.1376
- T 303.325.7787
- TF 888.755.0505
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Chapel & Collins is a tradename. All services provided by Chapel & Collins investment professionals are provided in their individual capacities as investment adviser representatives of Mercer Global Advisors Inc. (“Mercer Advisors”), an SEC-registered investment adviser principally located in Denver, Colorado, with various branch offices throughout the United States doing business under different tradenames, including Chapel & Collins.
Mercer Global Advisors Inc. is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and delivers all investment-related services. Mercer Advisors Inc. is a parent company of Mercer Global Advisors Inc. and is not involved with investment services. Mercer Advisors Inc. is a Delaware corporation and is in no way affiliated with Mercer LLC, Mercer Investments, or the Marsh & McLennan Companies.
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